Montag, 9. Februar 2009


The Wachau was added to the UNESCO list of world heritage sites in recognition of its
architectural and agricultural history.
It is one of the most prominent tourist destinations of Lower Austria.


A very old house in Krems.

Weissenkirchen is situated at the river Danube.

Snow in the vineyards.
The Wachau is highly well known for its production of grapes and apricots.

14 Kommentare:

Maria hat gesagt…

What a good idea to begin a blog about the countryside of Austria! And your trip to Krems and the famous Wachau is amazing! Thanks for sharing :)

Diary From Africa hat gesagt…

Ingrid, thanks for starting this blog showing your beautiful pictures of Austria - what a lovely country & I look forward to seeing more !

waldviertelleben hat gesagt…

welcome to my new blog. in unsteady intervals I will post pictures.

Catherine hat gesagt…

Hi Ingrid, found your blog via Lynda's. Lovely photos, I have been to Austria twice - first time in 1974 as a student backpacking and inter-railing around Europe, where we visited Vienna,Meyerling, and attempted skiing in Muttersalm outside Innsbruck. THe second time was in 2007 with my husband and daughter on a driving trip through Europe, we drove from Lichtenstein to Landeck in Tirol, where we stayed. It is a beautiful part of the country. We drove south to Italy along wonderful mountain roads. Please visit/follow my blog and see our tame Irish scenery!

waldviertelleben hat gesagt…

catherine, welcome. I had a look at your blog - so many delicious cookies. I have never been to Ireland - maybe sometime.

Stela hat gesagt…

Hi Ingrid,
congratulations-you DID I knew before.
Fine pictures.Austria is an amazing
See you soon.

waldviertelleben hat gesagt…

I try it ...
looking forward to see you.

Anonym hat gesagt…

here i am
very good idea to start this blog
those pictures make me feel you love your 'woodquarter' as much as i love my 'goshawkforrest' giggle

waldviertelleben hat gesagt…

please, give me the translation!

Anonym hat gesagt…

my beloved LEO translation programm gives me goshawk when i pasted habicht
my hometown kassel in nordhessen lies beneath habichtswald and i live near the edge of the forrest
it's a privilege and i know it

MizThreefivesix hat gesagt…

wie schön! einfach zu einem Thema zu bloggen - die wunderbaren Bilder!

waldviertelleben hat gesagt…

mein englisch ist ja gar nix, aber ich bemühe mich. und will die überschüssigen fotos bringen.

cieldequimper hat gesagt…

Sehr schöne Photos! Freue mich schon auf mehr!

waldviertelleben hat gesagt…

cieldequimper: danke für deinen besuch, hab bei dir reingeschaut - kann auch nur sagen - wunderschöne fotos.